Barnharrow Holiday Pods

What, No Wifi? - Don't Worry!

No wifi logo

We’re often asked whether there is Wifi at the pods and we make absolutely no apology for the fact there there isn’t!

The pods are full of all kinds of mod cons and creature comforts, but we made a conscious decision to draw the line at Wifi.

Why? Well, why not! Yes, we’re bucking the accepted system and we know that people like to feel connected to the rest of the world wherever they may be. But part of the charm of staying at Barnharrow Holiday Pods is that it’s a getaway from the rat race.

Ours is a remote location, somewhere to escape the crowds, forget the hustle and bustle of everyday life and unwind. 

How on earth would that be possible with a smartphone pinging and ringing? How could you be tempted to avoid checking social media or scanning the news headlines? And if you’ve disappeared into your phone playing games as night falls, how will you even think to look up and appreciate the wonderful starry light show going on above your head?

Get more connected to nature

Whilst we’re not part of the Silent Space scheme, we love the concept and believe that we can, within our little bit of Galloway, create a space in which guests can enjoy the silence – a silence that isn’t necessarily as quiet as one might think.  At Barnharrow Holiday Pods you can tune in to the environment, listen to the breeze, hear leaves rustling when the wind picks up, enjoy birdsong, feel more attuned to the different stages of the day, changes in the weather – there is beauty to be enjoyed even when it rains.

Becoming more connected to the natural world – not the digital – is something that many of us have lost to a greater or lesser degree. Giving yourself the opportunity to be present in the environment, to allow your senses to experience the surroundings can be wonderfully enriching and calming. In a world of stress and life lived at a fast space, it’s more important than ever to look after our health and well-being. Spending time in nature, creating the opportunity to reflect or simply allow your mind to drift can bring real benefits.

Phone chargers not required!

So switch off the phone, enjoy the peace, enjoy everything that Barnharrow Holiday Pods has to offer! Who needs Wifi when you can immerse yourself in Galloway’s rugged beauty, keep a look out for wildlife passing by, feel satisfyingly tired after a ramble, marvel at the artistry of a spider’s web, watch the early morning mist rise as you drink a coffee and share a bottle of wine as night falls. We think you’ll be okay!

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